I found this very sweet bird food recipe on Stylisimo. I did have a go at making it last night with the view of taking photos as I went along. Sadly I have to report that I didn't manage to make it look anywhere as nice as the ones made by Sylisimo so not worthy of featuring here.
Do follow the procedure carefully and you will be laughing. Do not make any short cuts! Believe me the coconut oil really has to cool down before mixing in the seeds!
Here goes:
- Melt some coconut fat and let it cool in cold water.
- Blend in some bird seeds.
- Once the fat starts to harden again pour in gingerbread shapes
- Make sure to make a hole for the cotton I used small birthday candles but anything will do.
Once set hang out in the garden for the birds to feast on this Christmas!
Via Stylisimo ( Idea from the magazine "KK Julen" / Images: Nina Holst